Tegoshi Yuya announces the top 3 Johnny's "Ikemens", 2 from Sexy Zone

 Tegoshi Yuya announces the top 3 Johnny's "Ikemens", 2 from Sexy Zone

When asked, "What are the top three ikemen Johnny Guys?" Hey!Say!Jump's Yamada Ryosuke and Sexy Zone's Sato Shori and Nakajima Kento were mentioned

[+403, -272]

Original post: https://girlschannel.net/topics/3494115/

2. I've had enough of that man

[+741, -12]

3. Oh, here you are

[+261, -10]

4. Is it my imagination, or does it feel like he thinks he can go back to being a johnny again?

[+751, -28]

5. He is trying to sell with flattering ww

[+716, -12]

6. Where did you get the idea to make such an announcement?

[+670, -5]

8. If you're out of Johnny's, don't talk about Johnny's.

[+879, -23]

12. I know he' s doing it because he can get people talking about him if he mentions anything related to Johnny's, but he needs to stop 

[+511, -4]